DDC Defender Batch

225,000 Credits

48 in stock more can be produced



As the galaxy was growing more and more hostile with the demise of the Old Republic and diplomats could no longer count on Jedi to keep them safe, it was discovered that a weapon was needed that required practically no skill to use.

Drearian Defense Conglomerate stepped in to fill this void with their Defender pistol. Elegant enough to compliment any diplomat’s or businessman’s attire, the Defender became a popular feature amongst the high society of the galaxy.

Although it has relatively little stopping power, the Defender was simply seen as a last ditch defense if a possible assassin would get past the wielder’s bodyguards.

These weapons come in batches of 13 and can be picked from one of our hubs. Please select the preferred location during checkout.

If an item is in stock in our store, it can be picked by the customer within 3-4 days of purchase. If an item is “Available to be produced” then our team can have your item custom made for you within 7-14 days.